艺术形象的分析评价这一环节 ,把握得科学 ,操作得准确 ,能成为阅读教学发展的最佳“创新点”。作品一旦离开了作者 ,便成了社会的产品 ,而创作模式的异彩纷呈、主题的多元、情感的朦胧、形象的立体化 ,又给我们解读的求异、创新 ,提供了可能。再说 ,阅读本身也是一项个体性很
The analysis and evaluation of artistic images in this area is scientific and accurate. It can become the best “innovation point” for the development of reading education. Once the work left the author, it became a product of society. The variety of creative modes, the diversification of the theme, the emotions, and the three-dimensional image provided us with the possibility of differentiating and innovating our interpretation. Besides, reading itself is also very individual.