玫瑰(R.rugosa Thunb),又被称为刺玫花、徘徊花、穿心玫瑰,属蔷薇科蔷薇属灌木。作为农作物,其花朵主要用于提炼香精玫瑰油和食用添加。当前生产中常见的油、食兼用品种有:紫枝玫瑰(四季玫瑰、平阴玫瑰)学名:Rosa rugosa Thunb、丰花一号、大马士革(Rosa Damascna)、格拉斯(Rosa Centfolia)。品种生长特性不一样,对修剪的要求也不一样。结合不同品种进行科学修剪,方能达到延长丰产期,提高
Rose (R.rugosa Thunb), also known as thorn flowers, wandering flowers, wear heart roses, is a rose family Rosa shrub. As a crop, its flowers are mainly used for refining rosemary oil and food additives. Commonly used in the current production of oil, food and used varieties are: purple rose roses (rose four seasons, Pingyin Rose) Scientific Name: Rosa rugosa Thunb, Feng Hua, Damascus (Rosa Damascna), Rothschild (Rosa Centfolia). Variety growth characteristics are not the same, the pruning requirements are not the same. Combination of different varieties of scientific pruning, can only be achieved to extend the high yield and increase