The Problems and Strategies of Senior High School Vocabulary Teaching

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuimeihua
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  【Abstract】Vocabulary is the basic element of language. Vocabulary learning has become an important part in English learning and teaching. In order to be suitable for the new requirements of vocabulary teaching in senior high school, this paper try to find out the current problems in vocabulary teaching in senior high school and come up with effective reform strategies to enhance the effectiveness of high school English vocabulary teaching and the students’ vocabulary memory and comprehension ability.
  【Key words】vocabulary teaching; problem; strategy; senior high school
  I. Introduction
  With the impetus of economic globalization, English, as the most widely used language, plays a very significant role in international communication. Vocabulary is considered as the most important factors in English learning, consequently, vocabulary teaching has a direct effect on the mastery and application of English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. English vocabulary teaching is of great significance in improving students’ English proficiency and lays the foundation for the cultivation of students’ comprehensive language ability and lifelong learning. Vocabulary is the key element of language construction and the basis of English discourse comprehension and expression. High school English Curriculum Standards (Experiments) require high school students should learn to use 3500 words and 400~500 idioms and regular collocation (Pu, 2009). In senior high school, students have a certain vocabulary base, but it is insufficient to reach the requirements. They must enlarge their vocabulary, master rich vocabulary, improve their English use and practical ability, and pay attention to the use of vocabulary learning strategies.
  II. The problems of senior high school vocabulary teaching
  With the implementation of the new curriculum, the textbook knowledge of senior high school has been becoming more difficult and new words has been increasing, which pose a challenge to the traditional vocabulary teaching. Although many teachers and students spend a lot of time and energy in teaching and learning vocabulary, and most students also seem to remember a large number of vocabulary, but it is not optimistic in oral communication and reading comprehension.
  1. Mechanical memory of English words
  When the students learn English words, they often concentrate on to the vocabulary book, by the means of concentrated recitation, rote memory, pronounce the English alphabet one by one, but ignore the rules of pronunciation. In consideration of memorizing words, the students transfer the English words into Chinese one by one instead of placing the words in context to master their meaning and usage. The model will inevitably lead to inefficient vocabulary learning. The reason why the students adopt mechanical memory is that some students lack the knowledge of phonetics and do not understand the pronunciation of words, which intensifies the English learning burden.   According to the literature, it shows that students who are not successful enough in English are usually subject to vocabulary problems and their phonological basis is weak (Su, 2011). Some students do not know how to remember scientifically, besides, there are many students who want to master words by studying once or twice, but they do not know that a foreign word is really mastered that needs to take about 10 to 12 meaningful contacts (Shu
【摘要】传统的英语课堂的收尾最常使用的提示法(Representation)、练习法(Practice)和运用法(Production),往往会导致学生只能被动地听从教师布置作业,很难做到优化课堂教学效果,学生的在课堂上的主体作用也不能充分的发挥;很难收到理想的课堂教学效果。笔者结合多年的高中英语教学一线教学的经验,浅谈几种比较实用的几种课堂结尾方式。  【关键词】高中英语教学 课堂结尾方式 教学