例1 余××,女,5岁。因持续发热九天、昏睡四天入院。九天前先有低热,无恶塞汗出。初尚不以为意,仍然照常生活,以后体温逐渐升高,四天前开始进入昏睡状态。曾在当地医院诊治,服过紫雪丹未效。入院时体温40.2℃,汗出、嗜睡,四肢阵发抽搐,时见角弓反张,颈项强直,腹壁反射消失,膝反射消失,瞳孔对光反应消失,克匿格氏征阳性。1964年7月13日一诊,神识昏蒙,目睛斜视,壮热如焚,汗出不绝,颈项强直,牙关紧闭,张口呼吸,手足瘈瘲,时或角弓反张,齿干有垢,脉弦细而数。此阳明热盛引动肝风,当以清泄胃热凉肝息风为治。处方:白虎汤加味。生石羔一两、知母三钱、淮
Example 1 Yu X, female, 5 years old. He was hospitalized for nine days due to persistent fever and lethargy for four days. Nine days ago there was low fever and no sweat was found. At the beginning, I still didn’t think it was right. I still live as usual. Afterwards, my body temperature gradually increased and she began to fall into a state of lethargy four days ago. He was diagnosed and treated in a local hospital and had not served Zidandan. At admission, the body temperature was 40.2°C, sweating, drowsiness, and convulsions in the extremities. At the time of seeing an opisthotonus, the neck stiffened, the abdominal wall reflex disappeared, the knee reflex disappeared, the pupil reaction to light disappeared, and the Kriging sign was positive. On July 13, 1964, he was diagnosed with dizziness, eye strabismus, feverish heat, persistent sweating, stiff neck, tightly closed jaws, open mouth breathing, hand and foot squatting, or opisthotonus, teeth Dry scale, pulse string and number. This Yangming Hot Sheng evoked the hepatic wind, when it was used to clear away the stomach and cool the liver and wind as the rule. Prescription: white tiger soup flavored. One or two born stone, three mothers, money, Huai