目前没有关于HIV感染儿童营养需求的资料。生长迟缓在这组人群中很常见。HIV感染影响生长发育的机制尚未明了 ,可能是代谢需求增加和营养摄入不足所致。没有关于HIV感染儿童生长发育受损结果的钙状态、骨矿物质含量 (BMC)、骨矿物质密度(BMD)的数据。调查这些很
There is currently no information on the nutritional needs of HIV-infected children. Growth retardation is common in this group of people. The mechanism by which HIV infection affects growth and development remains unclear and may be due to increased metabolic demand and inadequate nutritional intake. There are no data on calcium status, bone mineral content (BMC), and bone mineral density (BMD) for impaired growth and development in HIV-infected children. Investigate these very