随着工农业发展,大气污染严重,患呼吸道变态反应症患者,不论在人烟稠密城镇或广大农村,皆日趋增多。过敏性鼻炎是当前治疗方法较多,效果又不佳的常见病。寻找变应原并制成脱敏剂,从理论上讲是治疗呼吸道变态反应症的理想方法,但也只有30~50%的疗效。 Golding wood在1960年提出翼管神经切除治疗过敏性鼻炎,可减少鼻粘膜释放组织胺、肝素和五羟色胺介质的理论,并有治疗经验报道。目前国内外翼管神经切除术得到广泛应用,但因手术复杂或合并症较多,受到一定限制。
With the development of industry and agriculture, serious air pollution, patients suffering from respiratory allergies, both in densely populated cities or rural areas, are increasingly increasing. Allergic rhinitis is the current treatment of many, the effect is not good common disease. Finding allergens and making desensitizers are theoretically ideal for the treatment of respiratory allergies, but they are only 30-50% effective. Golding wood put forward in 1960 the pterygoid nerve resection treatment of allergic rhinitis, nasal mucosa can reduce the release of histamine, heparin and serotonin media theory, and treatment experience. At present, pterygoid nerve resection is widely used at home and abroad, but due to the complicated operation or complications, it is limited.