Cast-in-place concrete structure due to the surface coefficient of large, fast heat dissipation, in the winter construction is not easy to keep warm, and many more cantilever, simple support and other structures, the construction is more difficult. In the past, we mainly used the thermal storage method of adding additives to the concrete. We also used the retaining bars to leave the construction joints, and the construction measures for the concrete to be poured at room temperature and the change of cast-in-place components to prefabricated components were all complex. And easy to cause hidden dangers. Therefore, in 1982, we began to implement thermal protection for cast-in-place concrete structures in winter. The introduction is as follows. First, the construction method of electric heating specifications is 1260 × 1450mm, wire diameter 0.14 ~ 0.16mm, voltage 220V, current 0.34A, power 75W, resistance 650Ω.