好电影什么样? 看完还不想站起来,回到强烈的阳光里却依旧沉浸在刚才那个故事的光影中。这样的片子能影响你我一天的情绪。做梦都能回到那个故事的情节里。这样的片子能让你我一年思忆。白天黑夜都惦记,经不经意都提及,这样的片子
What a good movie? After reading do not want to stand up, back to the strong sun still immersed in the light of the story just now. Such a movie can affect you my day's emotions. Dream can return to the plot of the story. This movie will make you think of me for a year. Day and night all remember, have mentioned inadvertently, such a film