Washback effect of compound-dictation in CET-4 on Independent College

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  摘 要:In accordance with Hughes(1989),washback effect can be defined as the effet of testing on teaching and learning.In recent years,washback effect of CET-4(college English Test-Band 4)on English teaching and learning has become a heated topic in testing field.With the development of economic globalization and educational diversity,independent colleges have become a new unignorable part of higher education in China.Therefore,in the author’s opinion,it is necessary that discussion should be made to explore the teaching and leaning of Independent College.The result shows that washback effect of the changes from compound-dictation of CET-4 on English teaching and leaning in this college is obvious.
  關键词:washback effect;CET-4;Independent College
  中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A
  As a large-scaled standardized test for measuring the proficiency of College English teaching and leaning,washback effect of CET-4 on English teaching and leaning has become a heated topic in testing field.We have achieved a lot in studying on CET-4,including researches from theoretical level and practical level,which has made certain contribution to the College English teaching and leaning.
  1.The change of compound-dictation in CET-4 and its washback effect on Independent College
  The compound-dictation section of CET-4 consist of 7words and 3 sentences.From 2006 to 2011 year,the average words number of sentences is about not less than 18 while this of 2012 is less than 18.It is obvious that the average number of words decreases and so dose the difficulty degree of vocabulary.To the comparison,the difficulty degree of vocabulary of 7 words increases.This kind of change has obvious effect on the students and teachers of Independent College.
  This papers aims to give an brief analysis on washback effect of compound-dictation in CET-4 on English teaching and leaning of Independent College.
  The paper tries to answer:(1)If the changes from compound-dictation influence the students and leaning of Independent college? If yes,what are they? (2)If the changes from compound-dictation influence the teachers and teaching of Independent college? If yes,what are they? The following of this paper will try to specifically discuss the questions.
  2.Washback effect on students of Independent college
  2.1 Positive washback on students and leaning
  In the Independent college the author worked for,the average score of English College Entrance Exam of students is low.And the score gained from listening section is especially low.Besides this,most students of this college are from Sichuan province.Due to the 5.12 Earthquake,Sichuan province suspends listening test in College Entrance Exam.These students did not take any listening train during their high school.According to the author’s observation,in a listening class,most of the students try hard to listen and write down the 7 words,but totally give up when the sentences come.   Under these circumstances,students used to mechanically listen and write down what they hear without thinking the meaning.They spell out these 7 words just according to their sounds.So students often make mistakes on th/s,c/k,singular/plural form or something like that.As a result,they gain lower scores than they expected in the compound-dictation section.On the other hand,when students give up the sentences,they never try to actually comprehend the meaning of the passage and their listening comprehensive competence are not involved and improved.
  After these changes from compound-dictation,students become more faithful and interesting in the compound-dictation section.They treat the listening exercises as a training of comprehensive competence .At the same time,students become more active and conscientious to memorize new words and phrases hoping to increase their vocabulary which is the weakest point of almost all the students of Independent college.We can see that the positive influence on the students and leaning of Independent college is obvious.
  2.2 Negative washback on students and leaning
  However,like every coin has its two sides,these changes from compound-dictation also bring negative washback on students.Take these students for example,who performs especially poorly in listening section or whose vocabulary is very limited but is lazy or unwilling to memorize new words and phrases,with the enhancement of vocabulary difficulty degree,they can gain less scores in this section and consequently are impelled to give up the whole compound-dictation section,not the 3 sentences as usual.It is clear that the changes from CET-4 have the negative influence on the students and leaning of Independent college.
  3.Washback effect on teachers of Independent college
  3.1 Positive washback on teachers and teaching
  As mentioned in the previous,in most Independent college,the average score of CET-4 is an important index to evaluate teachers"performance and even their salary.
  After these changes from compound-dictation,in the classroom,teachers will assign more time and energy to do listening exercises,and lay emphasis on training of listening comprehensive competence.Take the author as example,the author will design some steps and measures such as:a.ask students to orally retell the stories and jokes they have heard; b.conclude in written form the main ideas of the sample passages they have heard,etc.Meanwhile,the author will have the class taken dictation regularly for the purpose to improve students" vocabulary and ensure that they can obtain more scores in compound-dictation in CET-4.Without doubt,the positive influence on teachers and teaching of Independent college is obvious.   3.2 Negative washback on teachers and teaching
  When teachers feel there is something they can do,they will squeeze much precise time to train sentence dictation.But there are two obstacles com fronted them first:most students are really not good at listening comprehension and their vocabulary is limited; the time is precise for a None-English Major classroom.These lead to inadequate inefficient exercises.The teachers lose their focus and run the risk of spend much time and energy in the sentence dictation and gain non-equivalent achievement.Similarly,the changes from CET-4 have the negative influence on the teachers and teaching of Independent college.
  This paper is a preliminary investigation.The findings show that washback effect have occurred in both College English teaching and learning process of this independent college and it is for beyond simple and straightforward.
  Similar to teachers,learners need find out a balance among the major items tested,which can make a real improvement of the total score of CET-4,as well as the improvement of communicative English abilities,for “Listening,speaking,reading,writing,translation” are the indispensable factors for communicative English ability.
  Finally,as the preliminary study,the ultimate purpose of this study is to promote positive and intended washback so as to serve college English education better .Independent college has developed rapidly in china.Based on their fresh characteristics,their teachers and students focus on CE teaching and learning for the compulsory standard of passing CET-4,which violate the original aim of CET-4.therefore,the teachers should learn to utilize the feedback on the testing thoroughly instead of only concerning about the simple results of test,and they also should analyze the results to improve the teaching effect and promote the positive development of CE teaching and learning of independent colleges.
(中国地质大学,湖北 武汉 430074)      摘 要:本文从研究大学生政治素质评估的角度出发,通过大量查阅相关资料,首先从我国历史纵向分析维度梳理了其历史进程、其次结合当前研究现状从横向分析维度对其意义、概念、内容、方法等方面研究进行综述、在上述基础之上,最后对其研究前景趋势进行了展望。笔者想通过上述努力为我国相关部门开展相关问题研究提供参考借鉴。   关键词:大学生;政治素质;评估;综述
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摘 要:对大学生进行诚信教育是大学生全面发展的需要,也是新时期高校构建和谐校园的基础工程。从总体上来看,当前高校大学生的诚信状况是好的,但是,现在高校部分大学生却存在着考试作弊、拖欠甚至逃避国家助学贷款、造假就业简历等诚信缺失的现象。因此,我们应该了解大学生诚信缺失的现状及原因,加强诚信教育。   关键词:诚信教育;方法和途径;大学生;高校   中图分类号:G641 文献标识码:A   文章编号: