
来源 :红楼梦学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengraul
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《红楼梦》的主要成就之一,是塑造了主人公贾宝玉。小说描写了贾宝玉的奇特出生,他的爱情悲剧以及最后寻求解脱的全部人生历程。对于这个文学人物,作者借贾雨村之口说出:“此人来历不小”。作者认为只有“多读书识事”并具有“致知格物之功,悟道参玄之力”(即能敏锐地运思并具有彻悟智慧)的人,才能真正领略其魅力和价值。 人生的根底是什么?为了作出回答,小说借助于古代神话传说,试图在虚构的“太虚幻境”和“木石前盟”之中,寻求达到人与自然之生命的对接与融合,以便为我们展示出一幅极为悲壮的人生画卷。 本文仅就贾宝玉这一形象的创造,围绕着来自自然,人化自然,回归自然等内容,展开论述,以就正于同行专家。 One of the major achievements of “Dream of Red Mansions” is the creation of the protagonist Jia Baoyu. The novel describes Jia Baoyu’s strange birth, his love tragedy and the last journey to seek liberation. For this literary figure, the author by the mouth of Jia Yucun said: “This person origins is not small.” The author believes that only those who read more and know more about things and have the power of knowing things and enlightening the power of participating in things (that is, keenly thinking and thoroughly intelligent) can truly appreciate their charm and value. In order to answer this question, by means of ancient myths and legends, the novel seeks to achieve the connection and integration of the life of man and nature in the fictional “illusion” and " Show a very tragic picture of life. This article only on the creation of this image of Jia Baoyu, revolves around from the nature, human nature, return to nature and other content, to start the discussion, just to peer experts.
成功,从做一名国际搬运工开始    何刚的办公室很简约,却能让人记住,背景由几幅图案夸张艳丽的印度土布构成,桌案上摆有一个柚木精雕的沉思者造型,恬淡、从容、低调。他说:“每看到沉思者,就会想起三个字——慢慢来!”  每个人在他的人生发轫之初,总有一段时光和抑制不住的梦想。十几年前的何刚,有梦想,也有好身体。  1997年春天,何刚离开家乡甘孜,流浪至成都,读书不多,生存艰难。洗过碗,擦过车,睡过天