【摘 要】
The sinews(主要力量)of war.(c.60BC) ——Cicero(西塞罗,古罗马政治家、演说家和哲学家)Like muck(堆肥),not good unless spread.(1625) ——Sir Francis Bacon(培根.英国哲学家)Time.(1748)
The sinews(主要力量)of war.(c.60BC)
——Cicero(西塞罗,古罗马政治家、演说家和哲学家)Like muck(堆肥),not good unless spread.(1625)
——Sir Francis Bacon(培根.英国哲学家)Time.(1748)
Larry King and his colorful suspenders' have been a fixtureon CNN for 25 years but this fall, it's all oven Yet thegood news is he's not retiring completely. "I'll still be apart of the CNN family, ho
I took their smartphones, and the world continued to spin. I took their BlackBerries, and that did not lead to chaos.~ If I could have, I would have taken their Internet access, too, just to see the l
Sophie zhang(张苏菲)生于美国波士顿,长在新泽西,曾住西雅图,现在是北京国际学校的学生。Sophie从小热爱阅读和写作,丰富多彩的生活经历是她创作的灵感源泉。她的首部小说《柯盼的神奇旅程》不久前由外语教学与研究出版社出版。
Twenty-eight young men bathe by the shore; Twenty-eight young men, and all so friendly: Twenty-eight years of womanly life, and all so lonesome. She owns the fine house by the rise of the bank; Sh
She and her eponymous television program won scores of Emmy awards.’In 1986, Ms. Winfrey was nominated for an Oscar after her film debut in The Color Purple and two years later she founded Harpo Produ
Recently for a Chinese class assignment, I was instructed to go home and watch City Monkey' and prepare for an oral discussion regarding the issues discussed in the movie. I initially protested when I
这是作家司各特(Walter Scott)笔下的故乡——苏格兰,一个注定与神话同在的地方。虽然苏格兰由low lands和high lands两部分组成,大多数人对远离英格兰内陆的苏格兰高地显然有着更深的感情。自从司各特神奇的笔为读者描绘出一幅古代苏格兰的奇诡景象后,世人就没有停止过对那片高原以及生活在那里的民族的遐想;当然,好莱坞的编剧和导演们也时常为这种遐想推波助澜,如梅尔·吉布森和他的影片《
尽管yellow books‘黄书’一度与我们所谓的黄色书刊(pornogmphic books and magazines)联系在一起,yellowpress’黄色报刊’或yellow journalism‘黄色新闻’也与绯闻(SeXUal scandal)沾一点点边,英语yellow‘黄’一般引不起与‘淫秽’或‘色情’相关的联想。它表达的隐喻意义主要有两个;一个是胆小,另一个是警示。
Travellers to Francophone andHispanophone countries will havenoticed a superiority of everydaysocial interactions to those observable in ourown country. They retain a slightly formulaicceremoniousness