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  There is an old Chinese expression: if you want to correct something that others do, you should first correct it yourself. It’s an expression the Chinese government can claim it is following in its efforts to tackle one of the country’s most significant litter problems: the plastic bag.
  The issue of 1)flimsy plastic bags may seem trivial on the list of environmental challenges facing one of the world’s emerging superpowers, but its 2)ramifications are more than 3)aesthetic. Discarded plastic bags disrupt waterways, 4)clog 5)sewers, and 6)choke soil. So, as one of its new year’s resolutions, China has pledged to ban the use of free and flimsy plastic bags by introducing levies. 7)As of June this year, plastic bags must be paid for, and they will be banned from all public transport, airports and scenic places.
  Plastic is fantastic. It’s 8)versatile, durable, waterproof, convenient and very, very cheap. But with all the benefits of plastic bags comes a long list of 9)nagging problems, and the most problematic of all is their 10)sheer persistence. Depending on the thickness, plastic bags take between 20 and 1,000 years to break down in the environment. They release toxic gases when they burn; they create 11)stagnant pools which can become a
  12)breeding ground for 13)malarial mosquitoes; and they 14)suffocate or disrupt the indigestion of animals that accidentally consume them.
  So, how easy is it to re-gulate a 15)blanket ban on something so 16)integral—yet so destructive—to modern living? And does it work? In Europe, good waste management has meant that the 17)menace of the plastic bag has not been unleashed as it has in the developing world. China’s situation is perhaps better reflected by experiences on the continent of Africa.
  In South Africa, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a ban is already working. Before action was taken to 18)curb the problem, consumers in South Africa went through 8 billion plastic bags a year. The problem was so bad that plastic bags became known as the “new national flower”, competing with the 19)protea—the true national flower—for the 20)limelight. South Africa’s answer was to ban the manufacture, trade and commercial distribution of plastic bags with a thickness of less than 30 21)microns (0.03mm). Anything below 30 microns can blow away in even a light wind, and cannot be easily recycled. Increasing the thickness of plastic bags has been found to have a positive impact on littering. A levy is in place, and the penalties for non-22)compliance are tough: fines and even imprisonment. Before regulation in South Africa, the cost of producing, delivering and distributing plastic bags was hidden in food prices, so even if customers did not want a bag, they would pay for it. Now they can make the choice—and UNEP reports that consumers have benefited from lower food prices as a result.
  But bans have not been so successful everywhere. In Bangladesh, serious and repeated flooding, which resulted in major loss of life, was reportedly linked to 23)drain 24)blockages caused by plastic bags. The floods prompted the government to impose a ban on the sale and use of 25)polythene bags in the capital city, Dhaka, in 2002. But no results are available on its success, suggesting there has been little evidence of a positive outcome on the streets. In Kenya, roughly 82% of plastic bags used each year end up on the streets or in the 26)sewage system. No outright ban has been considered, and even levies have been opposed by those who say it will kill an industry that supports thousands of people. In Somaliland, regardless of a ban prohibiting the importation, production and use of plastic bags since March 2005, a UNEP report suggests that both importation and local production continue.
  Yet even when there are alternatives such as paper bags or boxes available, consumers conti-nue to opt for the plastic bag. It seems that we are addicted. It remains to be seen whether China can 27)kick the habit, or find a truly fantastic—and 28)biodegradable—plastic bag.


因为渴望爱,英国小伙子艾伦·威斯在网上面向全世界发出了一个恳求:我要一个妻子!这个恳求得到惊人的热烈回响。那么,在13个国家进行了53次约会以后,他最终找到了命中的那位爱侣吗?    There can be few men on Earth who have not, at some time, dreamed of devising a method of attracting women w
写下这一标题,心里充满了伤感。一个个生龙活虎的形象,个性鲜明的角色,多年来如老友般相伴,带来过多少欢笑、多少激动。眨眼间二十几年过去了,当年的英雄硬汉们渐渐步入迟暮之年,如今的大银幕充斥的是火爆的特技、离奇的剪辑和高智商的对抗。好看则好看,却总让人不禁怀念当年那些常常汗湿重衫、狼狈不已的动作英雄们,虽不完美却真实,虽孤单却坚韧,总是让人热血沸腾,深受鼓舞。  期待着新片的上映,向曾经的老动作英雄们
爱把两个原本不相干的人,以及他们的喜怒哀乐从此紧紧地系在一起。  如果会带来心动的相遇是一场劫难,但愿我们的生命线永不相交,但若爱是人生的转机,又怎可轻易让它溜走?听Daniel Powter(丹尼尔·波特)感性、诗意、动人的音乐,就像在听一位长久“在路上”的诗人吟唱他的内心世界。或许他就是曾与我们在街头,抑或地铁站内擦肩而过的行者,喜欢随遇而安,时刻用音乐记录着所看到、所感受到的一切。外表看上去
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