目的 明确维持性血液透析(MHD)男性患者勃起障碍的发病率,及评价西地那非的疗效与副作用。方法 以国际勃起功能指数(IIEF)对22例HD男患者进行评分,勃起障碍者给予西地那非,每次从25 mg/d开始,最高为100 mg/d,治疗12周。对比治疗前后IIEF分值变化。结果 MHD勃起障碍发病率为72.73%,西地那非总有效率为87.5%,常见的副作用为头痛、面色潮红等。结论 西地那非对于正在接受血液透析治疗的肾衰患者安全性和有效性等同于其它人群。
Objectives To determine the incidence of erectile dysfunction in men with maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) and to evaluate the efficacy and side effects of sildenafil. Methods Twenty-two HD male patients were scored on the International Erectile Function Index (IIEF) and sildenafil was administered to erectile dysfunction patients, starting at 25 mg / day, up to 100 mg / day for 12 weeks. The changes of IIEF scores before and after treatment were compared. Results The incidence of erectile dysfunction was 72.73%. The total effective rate of sildenafil was 87.5%. The common side effects were headache, flushing and so on. Conclusion Sildenafil is equivalent to other populations for the safety and efficacy of renal failure in patients undergoing hemodialysis.