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苏霍姆林斯基曾感叹:“从我手里经过的学生成千上万,奇怪的是,留给我印象最深的并不是无可挑剔的模范生,而是别具特点、与众不同的孩子。”教育的这种反差效应告诉我们:对后进生这样一个“与众不同”的特殊群体,教育者必须正确认识他们,研究他们,将浓浓的师爱洒向他们,让这些迟开的“花朵”沐浴阳光雨露,健康成长。在日常的工作实践中,我特别注意学困生的转化问题,对学困生的成因及其对应的教育教学策略进行了深入研究。一、保持学生的自尊心,树立自信心人的可贵之处是有自尊心,但学困生普遍存在着三大矛盾:有自尊心和得不到尊重的矛盾;有好胜心和得不到取胜的矛盾;有上进心和意志薄弱的矛盾。 Suhomlinski once sighed: “Thousands of students have passed me, and it is strange that what impressed me most is not an impeccable model student, but rather a characteristic, Different children. ”The contrasting effect of education tells us that educators must know them correctly, study them and spill deep masters’ love toward them , Let these late “flowers” bathed in the sunshine and rain, healthy growth. In my daily work practice, I pay special attention to the transformation of poor students, and make a deep study on the causes of poor students and their corresponding teaching strategies. First, to maintain the students’ self-esteem, to establish self-confidence is valuable pride, but there are three major contradictions in the poor students: self-esteem and unresolved conflicts; there is ambition and can not win the conflict ; Ambivalent and weak-willed conflict.