本人曾随天津市显像管玻璃技术考察团赴美国和日本考察。参观访问了Owens—lllinoins,Inc(O—I)、Corning Glass Works(CGW)、Nippon Eiectric Glass Co,Ltd,(NEG)三家公司的总部、技术中心和显像管玻璃厂,并进行了技术交流。现将有关情况综述如下: O—I公司简介 O—I公司制造和销售的产品包括玻璃、塑料、纸和金属包装材料,是世界上生产玻璃容器,皱纹包装材料及塑料容器的最大公司。此外,该公司还生产药用玻璃、实验室和卫生保健塑料制品,玻璃餐具、塑料方便制品、快餐
I have with the Tianjin CRT glass technology delegation to the United States and Japan. Visited the headquarters, technology center and CRT glass factory of Owens-lllinoins, Inc (O-I), Corning Glass Works (CGW) and Nippon Eiectric Glass Co., Ltd. (NEG) and held technical exchanges. The situation is summarized as follows: About O-I O-I manufactures and sells packaging products, including glass, plastic, paper and metal packaging, and is the largest company in the world to produce glass containers, corrugated packaging materials and plastic containers. In addition, the company also produces medicinal glass, laboratory and healthcare plastic products, glass tableware, plastic convenience products, fast food