一九八一年十二月,成都市太平横街42号川大职工十九宿舍基建施工中,发现一座小型砖室墓,出土几件施釉陶俑。川大博物馆闻讯后,派人对该墓进行了清理。由于该墓十分残破,施工的同志又先我们之前挖出了几件器物,所以,墓的形制已不全,器物位置已被搅乱。经清理,这是座双室小墓,墓室单室残长111、宽69厘米,墓砖长32、宽17、厚3厘米。出土器物经修复较完整的有15件,另有残件若干。本文拟就这批陶器烧造年代,窑口,及它们所反映的那个时代的葬制葬俗,作些简单的分析。为叙述方便,先将这批陶器简要介绍如下: 碗一个撤口,斜曲腹,宽矮圈足。红胎,腹内淌姜黄釉,口沿外壁流釉,无纹饰,通高5、口径18.6、足径6.4厘米。碟、二个、口沿较厚,平底,内外无纹饰,
In December 1981, a small brick tomb was uncovered in the construction of 19 dormitories of Sichuan University workers at No. 42 Taipingheng Street, Chengdu, China. Several glazed pottery figurines were unearthed. Sichuan Museum heard the news, sent to the tomb was cleared. Due to the tomb being very broken, the comrades of construction first excavated a few pieces of utensils before us. Therefore, the shape of the tomb was incomplete and the position of utensils was disturbed. After cleaning, this is the seat of a double room small tomb, single room residual length of 111, 69 cm wide, tomb length 32, width 17, thickness 3 cm. Unearthed objects more complete repair of 15, while a number of residual pieces. This article intends to make some simple analyzes on the burials and funerals of those pottery-making ages, kiln mouths and the times they reflect. For the convenience of narration, this batch of pottery is briefly introduced as follows: A bowl of a bowel, oblique song belly, wide and short circle foot. Red tire, turpentine belly drip glaze, glaze mouth along the outer wall flow, no decoration, high 5, caliber 18.6, a diameter of 6.4 cm. Dish, two, Miankou thicker, flat-bottomed, no decoration inside and outside,