韩国釜山2013海云台佑洞现代I’Park项目位于韩国釜山滨海,占地45 000平方英尺(418 063.68m2),是一座包含3个高层住宅楼、一个34层的酒店以及一座写字楼和一个3层购物商场的综合发展项目。这5栋高层用于塑造和表达出大海极致的美与力量。建筑群的几何曲线,往往衍生自自然的美丽,如波浪般的优雅,每一朵花瓣的独一无二,充满了风的帆,戏谑着传统的韩国建筑概念。
Busan, South Korea 2013 Haeundae-Do-dong Modern I’Park project is located in the coastal area of Busan, South Korea. It covers an area of 45,000 square feet (418 063.68m2) and consists of 3 high-rise residential buildings, a 34-storey hotel, an office building and a 3 Comprehensive shopping mall development project. These five high-rise buildings are used to create and express the ultimate beauty and strength of the sea. The geometrical curves of the buildings are often derived from the beauty of nature, such as the elegance of waves, the uniqueness of each petal, the wind-filled sails and the traditional Korean concept of architecture.