,Diffusion behavior of hydrogen isotopes in tungsten revisited by molecular dynamics simulations
【出 处】
受禄乡农科站史林章重视科学,增加投入,1989年在自己承包的3亩地上,创造了高粱亩产1075公斤的高产新纪录,夺取了全县高粱高产竞赛第一名。 1.选用高产新品种晋中405。晋中40
本研究于2005-2006年在北京昌平区营坊果园以‘红富士’苹果为试材,分三个摘袋时期(盛花后145 d、152 d、159 d),研究了摘袋时期对果实品质的影响。其目的在于通过分析糖和花青
彩色猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosa var. coloris)为美味猕猴桃(A. deliciosa var. deliciosa)的红心变种,数量稀少,十分珍贵,是中国特有的种质资源,具有重要的育种价值。本研究采
Asymmetrical graphene plasmon reflection pattes are found in infrared near-field images of tapered graphene ribbons epitaxially grown on silicon carbon substrat
We study the spherical quantum pseudodots in the Schr (o)dinger equation by using the pseudo-harmonic plus harmonic oscillator potentials considering the effect
The efficient and accurate synthesis of physical parameter-controllable impact sounds is essential for sound source identification.In this study,an impact sound
By numerically solving the time-dependent Schr?dinger equation, we observe a remarkable strong-field interference patte in the photoelectron momentum distributi
芦笋(Asparagus officinalis L.)俗称石刁柏、龙须菜,系百合科天门冬属雌雄异株宿根性多年生草本植物。芦笋中含有游离氨基酸、维生素、微量元素硒等多种营养成分,以及甾体皂
Quantum key distribution enables unconditionally secure key distribution between two legitimate users.The information-theoretic security is guaranteed by the fu