国际海事组织成立于1959年,该组织成立之初,只有会员国37个,而今已发展到127个会员国和1个联系会员。会员国所拥有的船舶吨位占世界商船队总吨位的98%。 海事组织会员的增加导致理事会的扩大。早先由18个理事组成的理事会,现已扩大到32个理事。值得指出的是地区代表由6个增加到16个,这就使占会员总数三分之二的广大发展中国家能够在理事会内获得充分代表权。
Founded in 1959, IMO has only 37 member states since the founding of the organization, and has now grown to 127 Member States and 1 Associated Member. The tonnage of ships owned by Member States accounts for 98% of the total tonnage of the world’s merchant fleet. The increase in the membership of IMO led to the enlargement of the Council. The council, which was originally composed of 18 councils, has now been expanded to 32 councils. It is worth pointing out that the number of district representatives has increased from 6 to 16, which enables the vast majority of developing countries, which make up two thirds of the membership, to obtain full representation within the council.