通过对文字和图像的比较分析,把敦煌石窟自北朝至隋代的龛楣或龛梁中的同类龙纹形象溯源到商代青铜器双首一身(龙头蛇身)以及甲骨文虹/霓字,并与法国卢浮宫展品,伊朗(前2600—前2200)、埃及古代龙纹(或双首一身牛纹)形态(雕塑)等作比较探讨,寻求中国传统文化中龙纹崇拜的最初形象与受西域影响的莫高窟中的双首一身龙纹的图像演变及其象征意义.“,”Based on textual description and visual images,this paper discusses the images of dragons depicted in the niche lintels or beams dating from the Northern Dynasties to the Sui dynasty in Dunhuang caves,traces them back to the two-headed dragon patterns(with dragon heads and the body of a snake)in the Shang dynasty bronze wares,and compares these patterns with items on exhibition in the Louvre Museum and ancient dragon patterns(two-headed Néo-assyrienneox patterns)on Iranian and Egyptian sculptures. The goal of this re-search is to investigate the connection and difference between the dragon images in Chinese traditional culture and the visual evolution and intended symbolic meaning of the two-headed dragon pattern found in Mogao caves as influenced by sources from the Western Regions of China.