本届会议中国代表高达170名,彰显了中国作为航运大国的重要份量。而来自中国的声音更成为代表们关注的焦点。我们在正确的时间选择了正确的地点。“国际海事委员会(CMI)主席Karl-Johan Gombrii在CMI第40届大会开幕式致辞中这样形容。10月14至19日,由中国海商法协会承办、中远集团参与协办的国际海事委员会第40届大会在北京召开。这是该组织成立115年来首次在中国举办的会议。诞生于十九世纪末欧洲航运国家的国际海事委员是海事界最重要的非政府”
The number of Chinese delegates to this session is as high as 170, highlighting China’s important role as a shipping power. The voices from China have become the focus of deputies’ attention. We chose the right place at the right time. "Karl-Johan Gombrii, Chairman of the International Maritime Committee (CMI), described it in his speech at the opening ceremony of the 40th Assembly of CMI From October 14 to 19, Article 40 of the International Maritime Committee, co-organized by China Maritime Law Association and COSCO Group, The General Assembly was held in Beijing, which is the first time the organization has held its first meeting in China in 115 years. The International Maritime Commission (CMI), which was born in the shipping countries of Europe in the late nineteenth century, is the most important non-government in the maritime industry.