收修回稿日期:2003 09 041 配气系统的工作原理 配气机构的任务是保证柴油机的换气过程按配气正时的要求,在规定的时刻、一定时间内,将气缸内的燃烧产物排出,将新鲜空气充入,以保证工作循环的不断进行。DF7型机车柴油机采用气门—凸轮式配气机构,主要由气门机构和气门
Revised March 2003 The working principle of the gas distribution system The mission of the gas distribution system is to ensure that the ventilation process of the diesel engine is discharged according to the requirements of the gas distribution timing within a specified time and within a certain time , Filled with fresh air to ensure that the work cycle continues. DF7 locomotive diesel engine with valve - cam-type valve body, mainly by the valve train and valve