通过对2005年 ISI 收录期刊的分析,可以看出 SCI 收录期刊的出版文字主要为英文;在收录的中国期刊中,以中文出版的期刊所占比例较低,约占总数的四分之一。这与我国国内期刊普遍以中文为出版形式的现状不相称。本文总结概括了 SCI 收录的中文版的中国期刊,结合不同行业的特性,通过回顾各刊的国际化历程,分析中文版期刊国际化所面临的机遇和挑战,给对拟国际化的中文版期刊提供一些借鉴。
According to the analysis of ISI journals included in 2005, it can be seen that the published texts of SCI journals are mainly English; among the Chinese journals included, the proportion of journals published in Chinese is relatively low, accounting for about one quarter of the total. This is not commensurate with the current situation that Chinese domestic journals generally publish in Chinese. This paper summarizes the Chinese journals included in SCI, combines the characteristics of different industries, reviews the internationalization process of each issue, analyzes the opportunities and challenges facing the internationalization of Chinese journals, Provide some reference.