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随着全球化的进一步发展,世界正变得一体化,国家与国家之间的经贸往来,民间交流也变得日益频繁,在这种背景下,我们难免与不同国家或者地区的人们一起就餐,在餐桌上交流感情、洽谈业务等,如果不了解对方的文化差异就很难交流沟通,甚至会出现理解偏差,中西方文化差异较大,在饮食上的表现尤为明显,因此了解中西方饮食文化差异,能够更好的进行交流,本文从饮食角度入手研究了中西方饮食文化的差异,首先梳理了中西方不同的文化,接着有论述了中西方饮食方面的差异,最后分析了中西方文化差异在饮食上的体现。 With the further development of globalization, the world is becoming more integrated. The economic and trade exchanges between countries and countries and the non-governmental exchanges have become increasingly frequent. Under this background, we inevitably eat with people from different countries or regions, If you do not understand each other’s cultural differences, it will be difficult to communicate and even understand the bias. The differences between Chinese and Western cultures will be greater and the performance on the diet will be more pronounced. Therefore, it is important to understand the Chinese and Western food culture Differences, can better communicate, this article from the diet perspective to study the differences between Chinese and Western food culture, first combing the different cultures of China and the West, then discusses the differences between Chinese and Western diet, and finally analyzes the cultural differences between China and the West Reflect on the diet.
在进行高中化学复习教学的过程中,常常遇到关于氢氧化钡的图像题,这类题目忽深忽浅,给学生的学习带来一定的困难,现把对这类题目总结如下。  1.在一种溶液中加入氢氧化钡溶液,反应所得硫酸钡或碳酸钡沉淀的物质的量(n沉淀/mol)随溶液中氢氧化钡的物质的量(n甲/mol)变化的曲线如图1。  这些溶液可以为硫酸、可溶性的硫酸盐(硫酸钠、硫酸钾、硫酸铵等)、可溶性的碳酸盐(碳酸钠、碳酸钾、碳酸铵等)、可溶