太平天国法律制度与清朝封建地主阶级的法律相比 ,是根本不同的。它颁布了具有根本法性质的《天朝田亩制度》,废除封建地主的土地所有制 ,彻底消灭封建剥削 ,建立没有剥削的公有社会 ,创设了以公有制为基础的“圣库”制度和大体平均分配的供给制度 ,试行自由贸易、发展资本主义的制度 ,颁布了比较健全的刑事法律制度 ,建立起一套具有民主精神的诉讼制度。这些法律制度 ,对于捍卫太平天国革命政权 ,维护革命秩序 ,保护农民及广大劳动人民的利益 ,反对外来侵略 ,起到了极为重要的作用。
The legal system of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is fundamentally different from the law of the feudal landlord class in the Qing Dynasty. It promulgated the “Tianmu Tianmu System” with fundamental legal nature, abolishing the land ownership of feudal landlords, completely eliminating feudal exploitation and establishing an exploitative public-owned society, and establishing a “sacred library” system based on public ownership and a roughly equal distribution of supplies System, experimenting with free trade and developing capitalism, promulgating a relatively sound system of criminal law and establishing a democratic litigation system. These legal systems play an extremely important role in defending the revolutionary regime of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, upholding the revolutionary order, protecting the interests of peasants and the general working people, and opposing external aggression.