1 问题的提出 地基上多层砌体房屋建筑,因地基基础沉降变形产生的砌体开裂是该类型建筑物质量的通病。为此在工程实践中,除需按规范计算基础最终沉降值外,同时为了控制施工速度,避免因沉降过快、过大而引起砌体开裂还需预估竣工时房屋基础的沉降量,作为施工控制值。一般认为天然地基上建筑物在竣工时,基础沉降量与最终沉降量的比值,因土壤物理力学性能的不同而不同,对于砂土可以认为已基本完成最终沉降量,对粘性土则视其
1 Proposal of the problem The multi-story masonry house building on the foundation, the masonry crack caused by the settlement deformation of the foundation is a common problem of the quality of this type of building. Therefore, in engineering practice, in addition to the calculation of the final settlement value of the foundation in accordance with the specifications, at the same time in order to control the construction speed and avoid cracking of masonry due to excessive settlement, the settlement of the foundation of the building during the completion of the work is also required. Construction control value. It is generally believed that when a building on a natural foundation is completed, the ratio of the amount of subsidence to the final subsidence varies with the physical and mechanical properties of the soil. For sand, it can be assumed that the final subsidence has been basically completed, and for cohesive soil,