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  1. 你们的教室比我们的教室亮。
  误:Your classroom is brighter than us.
  正:Your classroom is brighter than ours.
  2. 冬天长春的天气比广州的天气冷。
  误:In winter the weather of Changchun is colder than Guangzhou.
  正:In winter the weather of Changchun is colder than that of Guangzhou.
  比较级前一般可用much, a little, a lot , still, a bit ,far, even等修饰词来说明程度, 但不能用very, quite, too, so等修饰。例如:
  1. I think the mooncakes with meat in them are much more delicious than the ones with nuts in them.
  2. Lily’s mooncake is a little smaller than Li Lei’s.
  误区三:比较级前全不用定冠词 the
  1.在含比较级的句子中有of the two 这类意义的词组时。例如:
  Lucy is the taller of the two.
  He is the thinner of the two boys.
  The harder you study, the more you will learn.
  The busier he is ,the happier he feels.
  形容词最高级前一般应用定冠词the,副词最高级前则可用可不用。但当最高级前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,其前的定冠词the必须省略 。例如:
  The moon is our nearest neighbor in space.
  Jim is Mr Green’s youngest son.
  Who is the strongest in your family?
  Ann is the oldest of all the girls in her class.
  1. Fred works so that he plays with us.
  A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly
  C. hard, hardly           D, hardly, hard
  2. Emailing is than posting a letter.
  A. very fast             B. much faster
  C. the fastest             D. very faster
  3. The population of China is than any other country in the world.
  A. more, that of           B. more, /
  C. larger, that of         D. larger, /
  4. In our city, it’s in July, but it is even in August.
  A . hotter, hottest         B. hot, hot
  C. hotter, hot             D. hot, hotter   5. The necklace looks and sells .
  A. well, well             B. good, nice
  C. nice, good             D. nice; well
  6. Tom didn’t buy the dictionary last Sunday. When he got to the bookshop, she found it   .   A. opened B. closed C. open D. close
  7. The boy finished the experiment in the end.
  A. success               B. succeed
  C. successful             D. successfully
  8. Philips is man.
  A. such a kindly         B. a such kindly
  C. such a friendly         D. a such friendly
  9. — Look! This is a diamond necklace.
  — ?
  A . really, Really             B. real, Really
  C. really, Real               D. real, Real
  10. Miss Cheng is one of in their school.
  A. the most popular teachers   B. more popular teachers
  C. the most popular teacher   D. more popular teacher
  11. — How the film is !
  —So it is. Many of us are to tears.
  A. moving, moved           B. moving, moving
  C. moved, moving           D. moved, moved
  12. it snows, the children feel.
  A. More heavily, happier B. The more heavily, the happier
  C. More heavily, the happier D. The more heavily, happier
  13. Physics is not chemistry.
  A. as more important as       B. as important than
  C. as important so           D. so important as
  14. Bob is at playing computer games of the two boys.
  A. the better     B. the good     C. better     D. the best
  15. —Doctor, I’m getting .
  —Well , you’d better eat food.
  A. fat and fatter, more     B. fatter and fatter, fewer
  C. fatter and fat, less     D. fatter and fatter, less
【话题分析】  兴趣与爱好是我们日常生活的重要组成部分。具有正能量的兴趣与爱好不仅能丰富人们的业余生活,而且也能促进社会和谐发展。这一话题主要考查学生如何表达“对某件事情感兴趣”“喜欢做某事”“ 介绍某一项兴趣爱好”以及“介绍并分享自己的业余生活”等。此话题主要涉及音乐、运动、绘画、集邮、收藏、游戏、阅读、观光旅行、饲养宠物等。此话题可以写成记叙文、议论文、应用文等文体。  【写作任务】  兴趣爱
在英语教材中,我们经常见到by这个词,在不同的语句中,它有不同的含义,而且用法也比较灵活。现将其含义及具体用法讲述如下,供同学们学习时参考。  一、用作介词  1. 表示静态的位置,相当于beside或near,意为“在……旁边”“靠近……”。例如:  Our teacher is standing by the window. 我们的老师正站在窗户旁边。  His mobile phone is
【中考真题】  1. (2020·山东·青岛)2020年6月23日,中国第55颗北斗导航卫星成功发射,顺利完成全球组网. 其中支持北斗三号新信号的22纳米工艺射频基带一体化导航定位芯片,已实现规模化应用,22纳米 = 0.000 000 022米,将0.000 000 022用科学记数法表示为( ).  A. 22 × 108 B. 2.2 × 10-8 C. 0.22 × 10-7 D.22
很多同学都体会过注意力不集中带来的负面影响。随着年级的升高,对同学们注意力强度的要求也越来越大。今天,老师给大家介绍一个非常方便的训练注意力集中的小游戏——舒尔特方格法。  舒尔特方格法,是世界上最专业、最方便的注意力訓练法之一。舒尔特方格是在一张方形卡片上画出25个1cm×1cm的方格,格子内任意填写1~25这25个阿拉伯数字,训练时,大家用手指按顺序指出1~25个数字,同时朗读出声。所花费的时
Wishing to encourage her young son’s progress1 on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted2 a friend in the audience and walked down the ais
一、复合不定代词及复合不定副词归纳。  二、复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。  例:Everyone knows me here.  三、形容词修饰复合不定代词时要放在后边。  例:There is something new in today’s newspaper.  四、any以及any构成的词多用于否定句、疑问句、if条件句和含否定词的句子中。  例:If you don’t
托盘天平是实验室测量质量的常用工具,如何使用托盘天平呢?让我们一起来学习吧!   [小题在线]  例1(2020·湖北·咸宁)用天平测小石块质量的实验中,有如下实验计划:①将游码移至标尺左端的“0”刻度线处;②将托盘天平放置在水平工作台面上;③在天平的左盘放入小石块;④调节平衡螺母,使天平横梁平衡;⑤用镊子在右盘中加减砝碼,移动游码,使天平平衡;⑥正确读出砝码和游码的示数。正确的操作顺序是( )
包容是一种智慧,一种气度。金无足赤,人无完人。对他人的包容,正是建立在对他人的体谅和理解之上。蔺相如对廉颇的包容,成就了“将相和”的佳话;鲍叔牙对管仲的包容,成就了“九合诸侯,一匡天下”的壮举;李世民对魏征的包容,成就了“贞观之治”的盛世。我们要用包容之心去接纳周围的人和事,这样才能更和谐地生存与成长。请看下文中爸爸对烤煳的面包是什么态度。  When I was a little child,
密度是中考力学部分的重点考查内容之一,密度的概念及其在生活中的应用均是常考考点。让我们一起分析典型例题,探寻解题攻略吧!   [小题在线]  例1 关于物质的密度,下列说法正确的是( )。  A. 一杯奶茶喝掉一半后,剩余奶茶的质量和密度均变为一半  B. 一只气球受热膨胀后,球内气体的质量不变,密度变大  C. 一支粉笔用掉部分后,它的体积变小,密度变小  D. 一块冰熔化成水后,它的体积变小
1.(2020·湖北·宜昌)一般来说物质遵循热胀冷缩的规律。当物体发生“热胀”时,以下说法正确的是( )。  A.物体体积变小 B.物体密度变小  C.物体质量变大 D.物体没有任何变化  2. (2020·江苏·常州)劳技小组在实验室用1份体积的水和3份体积的纯酒精充分混合而成消毒液。已知ρ水=1 × 103 kg/m3,ρ酒精=0.8 × 103 kg/m3,则该消毒液的密度( )。  A