For concrete after slump has disappeared and began to solidify, if given in the appropriate period of time to repeat the vibration, the so-called second vibration, will give a good impact on the concrete strength, density, etc. In this case, the strength can be increased by 10 to 20%. However, if the vibrating time is mistaken, it will not only increase the intensity, but will cause adverse consequences. The fact that the secondary vibrating can increase the strength of the concrete has been known to people for a long time. However, due to the specific construction personnel’s fear that doing so will change the concrete’s condensation process and destroy the cement slurry structure during solidification, the quality of the forming It is rarely used in practical projects due to its adverse effects. In recent years, foreign countries have conducted in-depth studies on the mechanism of the second vibration to increase the concrete strength, and have also made some research and improvement on the scope of application and construction techniques, and the application in practical projects has also increased. On this basis, some countries, such as Japan, have adopted the form of technical specifications to specify the second vibrator as a concrete layer.