In 1983, 882 samples were collected from 122 counties and districts of 23 provinces and autonomous regions, and 504 strains of bacteria were obtained through breeding. The total survival rate was 57.14%. The 21C3 advantage, followed by the 34th small population, accounting for only 6.4% of the total viable strains. The occurrence frequency of each races were 93.2% for 21C3, 3.2% for 34C2, 2.4% for 34C1, 0.6% for 34C4 and 0.2% for each of 34, 34 and 34. Nearly more than a decade 21C3 race, has been in a dominant position. One of the reasons for this is that there may be the problem of adaptability between races and needs to be further identified in the future. The results showed that there were nine single gene lines of Sr11, Sr15, Sr21, Sr22, Sr24, Sr26, Sr27, SrTmp and SrTt2