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  We moved to Clay Street in 1953 when I was two years old. Clay Street was an unpaved dead-end street, ending to the west. It was also a small 1)county island.
  At the end of the street, blocked off by a 2)cyclone fence and wide gate, was the property of Mr. Kaiser and family. They had a large house and a two-car garage. Mr. Kaiser was an important man with lots of money and his own business and wanted nothing to do with us or any working man on the block.
  On the south side of the street next to the Kaisers lived Elmer and Margie Gates from Mississippi and their two daughters. He was a security guard for 3)Gallo Winery and they raised Rhode Island Red chickens.
  Next to them was our small two-bedroom house. My dad Tom Reese was from Texas and drove a truck. My mom Viola was from Wisconsin,and cooked and worked at Kline’s 4)Truck Stop and the Eagle Café. My brother Dallas was three, and I was eight. We were the same ages as the Gates girls, Dorothy and Shirley, our best friends. We raised ducks and Mom sold the eggs to local restaurants.
  On the street behind us lived Mr. Green, who had a field with two brown horses, Rosie and her family the Manzettis from New York, the O’Reillys from Chicago, the Johnsons from Louisiana, the Hernandez family, A Japanese family whose names I couldn’t pronounce, and Mr. and Mrs. Wong (they owned a restaurant). It was a diverse and wonderful group of people. And though we kids sometimes quarreled and 5)tussled with each other, I never knew on any occasion the adults quarrelling, other than spats between husbands and wives. In fact, the only violence that occurred was the night Mrs. Kaiser shot Mr. Kaiser. He lived through the incident, but we were never told why she had done it.
  The summers on Clay Street were a paradise for us kids. It was continually hot, and the houses were equipped with swamp coolers, so we kids spent the entire season running like naked savages clad in swim suits or our underwear.
  We tore through the neighborhood playing pirates and cowboys, tag, and hide and seek, through the alley and in every yard. We drank from garden hoses, we foraged from the fruit and nut trees and knocked at each door, where the moms of the houses would stuff us with sandwiches of boloney or peanut butter or toasted cheese. They gave us plastic glasses of milk, 6)Kool Aid, Nestle’s Quick chocolate milk. What a life!
  When trouble hit the neighborhood everyone pitched in, no one went hungry or unclothed. Whether it was sickness, being out of work, or death, we took care of each other. The men worked on each other’s cars, they mended things. My dad and some of the other fathers would sand, 7)whittle, and make wagons, little trucks, wooden animals so that no child would go without toys for Christmas. We all raised ducks, chickens, rabbits, and such. So there was always meat and eggs. Everyone had vegetable gardens and fruit and nut trees, and the women baked and canned.   Our mothers and grandmothers prepared all kinds of treats, and when the cooking was done they also knitted and 8)crocheted and sewed. They’d pack blankets and clothes that were made or mended and donated them to the church. This wasn’t just for our neighborhood and church, but for anyone they could find that needed a little help. There was never any pity, only compassion. The adults never used the words“poor” or “broke.” They would just explain that this person or that one was having some “hard luck.”
  But for us kids it was a worry-free summer of food, games, baby kittens and pups. We even pushed the new born chickens and ducks in our baby carriages until we were told to put them back. But the finest part of summer were the special weekends, when the moms would make goodies.
  Mom made homemade spiced doughnuts, Margie Gates made lemon 9)meringue pies, and our Japanese neighbors brought festive sweet honey rice balls.
  Mr. Johnson would put his huge BBQ wagon in the empty field and crank it up. Tables would be set up, and dishes, napkins, and silverware made ready along with the mustard, ketchup, pickles, 10)relish, and of course salt and pepper. Then when the coals were ready, Mr. Johnson, who was a big happy man, would get down to work. Thick sauce coated ribs 11)sizzled on the grill, filling the air with spicy scented white smoke, as fat and juicy hamburgers, and plump hot dogs squealed out to be bitten into.
  Margie Gates fried up a mess of catfish that her husband Elmer had caught and stuffed in the freezer a couple of days before. She also accompanied the crisp golden fish with sweet 12)coleslaw, hot buttered corn on the cob, and mountainous mashed potatoes.
  Mom piled up fried chicken, green salad with buttermilk dressing and mile-high biscuits so light we almost had to nail them down. She also made honey butter to coat them with (such a good mother).
  There were also 13)root beer floats, fruit juice, milk, sweet iced tea and Coca Cola. And for dessert there was fudge and homemade banana ice cream. Wow! What a feast!
  Everyone had a good time, and as we lay on our pillows along the dead-end street we stared at the stars, pulsing like white drips of fire. We sipped root beer floats and shivered as the cold beverages slid down our throats.
  It was cooler to sleep outside, for occasionally a breeze would 14)slither through the cottonwood trees and offer some relief.
  Such were the summers on Clay Street in Fresno, California. And such were the good neighbors and close friends whose faces still linger in my memory.   In 1991 there were only three original neighbors left…my dad and the Japanese neighbors we had known and loved for forty years. My father died in April of that year, and while I was at the house clearing it out I looked up and was surprised to see my dad’s friend, our Japanese neighbor, the last one left. He was sad to hear of Dad’s passing and hugged me with tears in his eyes. He told me in that gentle voice I had always liked, “I lost my best friend and my wife on the same day.”
  We hugged again and sat talking of old times. He quietly returned to his home, but a short time later he moved away to live with his children.
  Dad’s house was sold, there were difficulties with the estate, and for a very long time I didn’t want anything to do with Clay Street.
  But lately memories of the sounds of children laughing, echoes of friendly familiar voices and root beer floats on velvet nights, have restored to me the innocent times, dispelling thoughts of darker events.
  I guess there will always be a part of me running barefoot and half-naked through the summer nights on Clay Street.
  但是,对于我们这些孩子来说,那是个无忧无虑的夏季,我们有美食、游戏、小猫和小狗的陪伴。我们甚至把初生的小鸡小鸭放到我们的婴儿车里推,直到大人叫我们把它们放回去才消停。不过夏日里最美妙的部分是那些特别的周末,妈妈们会做一些好吃的食物。   妈妈会制作自制五香甜甜圈,玛吉·盖茨制作柠檬蛋白霜馅饼,而我们的日本邻居则会带来一些充满节日气氛的蜜糖汤圆。

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本文的作者埃文·奥斯诺斯,毕业于哈佛大学政治学专业,如今是《纽约客》杂志的驻华记者。由于埃文长期在中国工作,所以对中国了解很多,埃文还曾因一篇关于中国的报道于2008年获得普利策奖。更有意思的是,埃文还有一个中国名字——欧逸文,一个听上去相当有腔调的名字。  在这篇《十亿个故事》当中,埃文将给我们讲述一次奇遇:有一天,一个农民工贸贸然地打断了埃文与邻里的谈话,埃文与其慢慢交谈过后发现,一个清洁工竟