2016年12月27日,韩国科技公司韩泰未来科技对其新研发的巨型载人双足机器人“Method-2”进行了初步测试。“Method-2”向前迈出一大步的视频被上传到了You Tube视频网站上,驾驶员可以坐在机器人的躯干内,使机器人的肢体运动,像人一样走路,与电影《阿凡达》里的机器人军团十分相似。据悉,“Method-2”高13英尺(约合3.96米),重逾1.5吨,可直立行走,胸前设有一间可容纳一人的驾驶舱,两支各重达286磅(约合129.73千克)
On December 27, 2016, Hankook Future Technology, a Korean technology company, conducted a preliminary test of its newly developed “Method-2” giant manned biped robot. “Method-2 ” A big step forward video was uploaded to You Tube’s video site where drivers can sit inside the robot’s torso, move the robot’s limbs and walk like a human being, “The robot army is very similar. It is reported that the ”Method-2" is 13 feet high (about 3.96 meters) and weighs over 1.5 tons and can be erected. There is a cockpit for one person in the chest, each weighing 286 pounds 129.73 kg)