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刚刚从西藏考察文物回来,在中国文物报社与王莉女士谈起皇城根遗址公园,又谈到东便门——崇文门旧城墙的改造一事,她说北京最后一段没有拆的古城墙所在地——东便门以西至崇文门三角地处,已经动工兴建明城墙遗址公园。我谈了自己的许多想法,王莉执意要我把它写出来。记忆中的东便门我从小在东便门一带长大,在崇文门外的上三条小学念书,每日顺着护城河往返于崇文门与东便门之间,像是检阅这条三里长的城墙。即便放暑假,也要爬上城墙逮蝈蝈、 Returning from the inspection of cultural relics in Tibet, talking about the Imperial City Ruins Park with Ms. Wang Li by the China Cultural Relics Newspaper and the transformation of the old Dongcheng Gate - Chongwenmen City Wall, she said that the last part of the ancient city wall that was not demolished in Beijing was located - - From the west of Dongdaemun to the border of Chongwenmen Triangle, the Mingcheng Wall Site Park has been started. I talked about many of my own ideas, and Wang insisted that I write it out. The East Gate in Memory I grew up in the area of ​​the east gate and studied at the three primary schools outside Chongwen Gate. From the moat to and from the east gate of Chongwen Gate and the east gate every day, I went through the three-mile-long wall. Even put the summer vacation, but also climb the walls to arrest 蝈 蝈,
IN 1988, when Wang Zhiqiu was transferred from her post as the deputy director of the city’s Bureau of Light Industry to work with the Women’s Federation of
编辑同志: 我是《家长》的忠实读者。几年来,我认为《家长》杂志是父母的良师益友。该刊物栏目设置合理,内容丰富,有针对性、指导性、实用性。该刊物能结合家长的实际谈一些
“五一”长假回来,同学们津津乐道节日见闻。芳芳拿着一张日历卡数来数去不知念叨着什么。飞飞悄悄走到她书桌前,看到日历卡上用红色的水笔圈了一个圈。 “May Day” holid
The Li people, with a population of more than 1.11 million, live mainly in the mountainous areas of Hainan, an island province in south China. They speak the L