
来源 :中国脑血管病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acy333
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目的探讨采用改良术式对大鼠颅内动脉瘤模型建立的影响。方法取SD大鼠55只,随机分为3组。传统方法组20只,结扎左侧颈总动脉+切断两侧肾动脉后支(各1支)。改良术式组20只,结扎并切断左侧颈总动脉+电凝并切断两侧肾动脉(每侧各2支或肾动脉分支中粗的1支)。阴性对照组15只,未采取任何干预措施。术后当天开始投喂等渗盐水+质量分数为0.12%的β-氨基丙腈饲料。4周后处死大鼠。在显微镜下脑底部分离脑动脉,取双侧大脑前动脉和嗅动脉(ACA/OA)的分叉处或动脉瘤发生处的脑动脉,在光镜下观察其病理变化。在术前、术后第3周处死大鼠的当天,通过尾套测压法测量收缩压。结果传统方法组大鼠ACA/OA分叉处均未见有进展期动脉瘤。改良术式组6只大鼠死于动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血,在其余14只中,发现10个进展期动脉瘤;处死前,3组大鼠的血压平均值分别为(164.3±3.0)、(195.3±1.9)和(116.2±2.6)mmHg。传统方法组中发现2只有早期动脉瘤样改变,表现为内弹性层不连续,但无明显动脉壁膨出。改良术式组中16个动脉瘤均为进展期动脉瘤,在高倍光镜下,均可见内弹性层断裂、肌层变薄及动脉壁膨出;还发现3只大鼠有早期动脉瘤性改变。阴性对照组未发现动脉瘤。结论改良术式不仅可缩短动脉瘤形成时间,而且可提高动脉瘤形成率,这可能与短时间内血压升高有关。 Objective To investigate the effect of modified surgery on the establishment of intracranial aneurysm in rats. Methods Fifty-five SD rats were randomly divided into three groups. The traditional method group of 20, ligation of the left carotid artery + cut off both sides of the posterior renal artery (each one). Twenty patients underwent modified surgery. Ligation and transection of the common carotid artery were performed with electrocoagulation and bilateral renal arteries (2 in each side or 1 in the renal artery). Negative control group of 15, did not take any interventions. The same day after the start of feeding isotonic saline + mass fraction of 0.12% β-aminopropionitrile feed. Rats were sacrificed after 4 weeks. Under the microscope, the cerebral arteries were separated at the base of the brain, and the bifurcation of bilateral anterior cerebral artery and olfactory artery (ACA / OA) or the cerebral artery at the aneurysm site were observed. Pathological changes were observed under light microscope. Systolic blood pressure was measured by cuff gauze on the day before surgery and 3 weeks after the operation. Results There was no advanced aneurysm in ACA / OA bifurcation in the traditional method group rats. In the modified operation group, 6 rats died of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Of the remaining 14, 10 advanced aneurysms were found. Before sacrifice, the average blood pressure of the 3 groups was (164.3 ± 3.0) ), (195.3 ± 1.9) and (116.2 ± 2.6) mmHg. The traditional method group found only 2 early aneurysm-like changes, showing the internal elastic layer is not continuous, but no significant wall swelling. In the modified group, 16 aneurysms were all advanced aneurysms. Within the high power light microscope, the internal elastic layer was broken, the muscle layer became thinner and the wall of the artery was bulged. Three aneurysms change. Aneurysms were not found in the negative control group. Conclusion The modified operation can not only shorten the time of aneurysm formation, but also improve the aneurysm formation rate, which may be related to the short time elevated blood pressure.
以斜生栅列藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)、大型(Daphnia magna)和斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio)为试验生物,在实验室条件下测定了吡虫清、吡嗪酮、恶草酮和精喹禾灵4种新农药对水