川贝母、浙贝母是临床常用的止咳化痰、补肺的贵重中药,其有效成分为生物碱。《中药大辞典》在炮制方法中规定:川贝母应用水稍泡,捞出闷润,剥去心晒干;浙贝母清水稍浸,捞出,润透后切厚片晒干。现有很多医院在炮制饮片前用纱布包裹,浸泡1~2小时后切片,使有效成分生物碱流失较多。本文对不同品种贝母浸泡后使有效成分生物碱的损失量做了初步测定,结果报告如下。仪器与药品0.001M 溴麝香草酚蓝溶液配制参照张秀琴等(中草药通讯1976;(2):13)的方法,0.312g 溴麝香草酚蓝溶液于5ml 1N 氢氧化钠溶液中,用水稀释到500ml,用阿托品标定(取0.5mg 阿托品。加入15ml 氯仿及2mlPH=5的缓冲液,用溴麝香草酚蓝溶液滴定,水相出现黄色即为终点)。PH=5缓冲液:0.2M 邻苯二甲酸氢钾25ml 加11.83ml0.2MNaOH 溶液混匀。
Fritillaria cirrhosa and Fritillaria cirrhosa are the traditional Chinese medicines for cough and phlegm and lungs. The active ingredient is alkaloids. “Chinese Dictionary” in the preparation method: Fritillaria application of water slightly soaked, remove the stuffy, stripped to the heart dried; Zhejiang Fritillaria slightly soaked in water, remove, run through thick slices and dried. Many existing hospitals use gauze to wrap parcels before they are processed and soaked for 1 to 2 hours before slicing, resulting in more alkaloid loss of the active ingredient. This article made a preliminary determination of the loss of alkaloids in the active ingredients after soaking in different species of Fritillaria. The results are reported below. The 0.001M bromothymol blue solution was prepared with the instrument and drug referenced by Zhang Xiuqin et al (Chinese Herbal Medicine 1976; (2):13). 0.312 g of bromothymol blue solution was diluted in 5 ml of 1N sodium hydroxide solution and diluted to 500 ml with water. , Atropine calibration (take 0.5mg atropine. Add 15ml chloroform and 2ml PH = 5 buffer, thiothymol blue solution titration, the aqueous phase appears yellow is the end). PH = 5 buffer: 0.2M potassium hydrogen phthalate 25ml plus 11.83ml 0.2M NaOH solution and mix.