蛤蚧是脊椎动物爬行纲,有鳞目、壁虎科、壁虎属蛤蚧Gekko gecko L除去内脏的干燥躯体。远在我国古代很多医药书中、早有记载,在《开宝本草》中记有“治久咳嗽,肺劳传尸”。在《海药本草》中记有“治肺痿咯血,咳嗽上气”。在《本草纲目》中记有“补肺气、益精血,定喘上嗽,疗肺痈消渴,助阳道”。蛤蚧补肺气,定喘止渴,功同人参;益阴血,助精扶(?),功同羊肉。在《本草备要》中记有补肺润肾、益精助阳,治渴,定喘止嗽,肺痿咯血,气虚血竭”。
Cockroaches are vertebrate reptilians, and have a gizzard, gecko, gecko, Gekko gecko L, and a visceral dry body. Far away in many ancient medical books in China, has long been recorded, in the “Kai Bao Materia Medica,” recorded in the “resolved chronic cough, lung labor corpse.” In “Seafood Materia Medica,” he recorded “Pulmonary sputum and hemoptysis and coughing and bloating.” In “Compendium of Materia Medica,” it is recorded that “Bufei Qi, Yijinjinxue, Dingchuan Shangyu, and Zhufei Diabetes, help Yangdao”.蛤蚧 肺 肺 肺 肺 肺 , , , , , 定 , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; In “Compendium of Herbal Medicine,” we recorded Bufei Runshen, Yijing Yang, Thirsty, Dingchuan Quzhi, Pulmonary sputum and hemoptysis, and Qi deficiency and blood stasis."