冬季对鱼种和未达商品规格的鱼并塘后,因池塘内鱼的密度加大,鱼的需氧量增加,加之结冰后的水面封闭,这时如不注意及时补氧,极易导致鱼类死亡,有时损失严重。缺氧后的鱼即使在冬季不死亡,也会严重影响其来年的生长, 造成严重减产。因此,冬季对鱼类进行补氧,不仅可以防止缺氧死亡,而且有利于来春的迅速生长, 从而提高产量,增加效益。越冬鱼塘补氧可采取以下几种有效方法: 1 循环注水补氧。把几个靠近的鱼塘用水泥管或塑料管连接,用机械将一个塘的水抽向另外一个塘,
In winter, for species of fish and ponds that have not reached the commodity specifications, the oxygen demand of fish increases due to the increased density of fish in the pond, and the water surface after freezing is closed. In this case, if oxygen is not paid attention promptly, Cause fish to die, sometimes with serious loss. Hypoxic fish do not die even in winter, will seriously affect the growth of the coming year, causing serious cuts. Therefore, supplemental oxygenation of fish in winter can not only prevent hypoxia death, but also help the rapid growth of spring to increase production and increase benefits. Overwintering fish pond oxygen supplement can take the following effective methods: 1 cycle water oxygen supplement. Connect several nearby fish ponds with cement pipes or plastic pipes and mechanically draw the water from one pond to another pond.