
来源 :华中师范大学研究生学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:funny_109
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近年来,中国企业愈来愈多地利用社交媒体作为道歉渠道,发布商业道歉信。采用体裁分析和文本分析法,探究中国企业近来发布在新浪微博上的道歉信,以求揭示其体裁特点和谈判策略。研究发现,商业道歉信共包含10个语步,但语步的数量和组合则取决于具体的情境条件。该文体的体裁特点包括排比结构和语气强烈词语的战略性运用。同时,焦点转移、宏观行动表述、自利性表述、公司立场独立、更高权威原则等谈判策略也运用其间。最后,互联网企业在道歉信中体现出更多创意和灵活性,而传统公司则行文正式、谨慎。 In recent years, Chinese companies have increasingly used social media as a source of apology and released commercial apologies. Using genre analysis and text analytic method, this article explores the apology letters recently released by Chinese enterprises on Sina Weibo in order to reveal their genre characteristics and negotiation strategies. The study found that business apology letters contain a total of 10 language steps, but the number and combination of language steps depend on the specific contextual conditions. The stylistic features of the genre include the strategic use of pai structure and strong-tone words. In the meantime, negotiation tactics such as shifting of focus, expression of macro actions, statements of self-interest, independence of the company’s standpoint and principle of higher authority are also used. Finally, Internet companies showed more creativity and flexibility in apology letters, while traditional companies were formal and cautious.
财务共享是财务工作领域的一次重大变革,依法治企是依法治国的重要內容,本文从依法治企与共享建设相结合,与企业制度完善、规范核算相结合,系统分析了财务共享工作落实“依法治企”的几个关键点,并对如何处理好依法治企与提升共享服务的关系,以及在工作中的具体做法进行了探讨  随着党的十八届四中全会研究部署了全面推进“依法治国”重大问题,法治在国家治理和社会管理中将发挥越来越重要的作用,而依法治企作为依法治国的