
来源 :中国比较文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly19900611
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Contemporary comparative literature studies in U. S. A.have become a multiple, Pan-cultural literary and artistic the ory, which resuIts flom evolutions of various literary theories in a period of scveral gcnerations. Contcmporary comparative literature studies in China, however, resurged and towered magnificently, which undertake multiple missions ofsortirg out the historical accumulation ard makirg a considerable progress in a close touch with reality. For comparative literature stu dies in the West, there is no room to display their prowess in thc timc-bitse, but in the spacewise there is much to open up,such as comparative studies between Oriental and Occidental Literatures, between Asian and African Literatures, etc. For comparative literature in China, however, there is much virgin land both iri time-base and spacewise to reclaim. In order to have an effective dialogue between Chinese and Foreign Li teratures, it’s required that both filling a vacancy and making a progress in this field be undertaken Contemporary comparative literature studies in USAhave become a multiple, Pan-cultural literary and artistic the ory, which resuIts flom evolutions of various literary theories in a period of scveral gcnerations. Contcmporary comparative literature studies in China, however, resurged and towered magnificently, which undertook multiple missions ofsortirg out the historical accumulation ard makirg a considerable progress in a close touch with reality. For comparative literature stu dies in the West, there is no room to display their prowess in thc timc-bitse, but in the spacewise there is much to open up, such as comparative studies between Oriental and Occidental Literatures, between Asian and African Literatures, etc. For comparative literature in China, however, there is much virgin land both iri time-base and spacewise to reclaim. In order to have an effective dialogue between Chinese and Foreign Li teratures, it’s required that both requires filling a vacancy and making a progress in thi s field be undertaken
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