With the end of the Cold War between the East and the West and in order to maintain the necessary global resilience and the ability to deal with potentially dangerous regional emergencies, the Defense Department issued a plan in July 1992 to prioritize the development of key technologies. The program focuses on the seven science and technology strategic development priorities such as global early warning and communications, precision strike, air superiority and defense, maritime early warning and underwater advantages, advanced marine warfare, comprehensive environmental adaptability and logistics replenishment. It covers computer, software, 11 technical fields such as sensors, communication networks, electronic components, environmental effects, materials and processes, energy storage, energy conversion, design automation and man-machine interface. This article focuses on detailed planning in the area of Materials and Processes. Including the specific technical fields involved in the project, the phase objectives to be achieved in each technical field, the relationship between each technical target and the development priorities of the seven major scientific and technological strategies, the technical objectives of phases in the specific materials and process research and development, the distribution of funds, Other agencies research and development status quo.