【摘 要】
【机 构】
河北省保定市教学仪器站 071000
In the age of entering the molecular age, high school biological experiments “DNA coarse extraction and identification” have become an extremely important experiment in the middle school biology class. The experimental procedure in the textbook is cumbersome and takes a long time, so an improved version of this experiment is constantly appearing. If plants are used as experimental material, rupture cells
A new detection system in scanning electron microscope, which filters in energy and detects the backscattered electrons close to the microscope axis, is describ
The last sentence in the abstract should be: "The results indicate that the velocities are much higher than those in the usual materials while elastic constants
The turbulent particle and thermal transport scaling laws are derived by means of the Lagrangian invariant of trapped electron dynamics in tokamaks, which are i
In the study of the surface instability of a vertically oscillating granular layer, we obtained experimentally thephase diagram for the surface states of the la
The deformed relativistic Hartree theory (DRH) is solved both in coordinate space (DRH-c) and in harmonic oscillator basis (DRH-o). Results obtained from these
Structural, magnetic, and transport properties of perovskite La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xSixO3 (x=0, 0.025, 0.05) have been studied. The incorporation of Si decreases the ove