患者 女,10岁.因发热头痛半天服感冒清2片,次日上午发现全身少量的皮疹,未引起重视,由于发热、头痛等症状未好转,又服感冒清2片(广州白云山制药总厂,批号901107—81),下午发现全身大片出血点,同时有鼻出血、轻咳、咯出少量血丝痰,晚上排2次柏油样大便,小便如洗肉水样.该患儿在2周前因“上感”服过感冒清1次,无出血病史.体检:体温38.5℃,神志清,贫血貌,呼吸平,全身皮肤、口腔粘膜可见散在性的大小不等的瘀血瘀斑,最大达4×5cm,鼻腔粘膜有少量的渗血,心肺正常,腹软,肝脾未及.神经系统无异常.实验室检查:血液,Hb82g/L,WBC9.6×10~9/L,BPC78×
Female patient, aged 10. Fever headache due to fever for 2 days half a day, the body found a small amount of rash the next morning, did not pay attention, due to fever, headache and other symptoms did not improve, but also served a cold clear 2 (Guangzhou Baiyun Pharmaceutical Factory, lot number 901107-81), the afternoon found a large body bleeding spot, while nosebleeds, light cough, spit out a small amount of bloody sputum, night row 2 aspirate stool, urine such as washing meat water samples.The children in 2 weeks Excuse me “flu” served a cold past 1, no history of bleeding.Physiological examination: body temperature 38.5 ℃, clear consciousness, anemia appearance, breathing flat, body skin, oral mucosa visible scattered scattered blood stasis ecchymosis, Up to 4 × 5cm, nasal mucosa with a small amount of oozing, normal heart and lung, abdominal soft, liver and spleen without .Nervous systemNormal abnormalities.Laboratory examination: blood, Hb82g / L, WBC9.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, BPC78 ×