The Research on the Silence Phenomena of Students in CollegeEnglish Classroom Teaching

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  【Abstract】This paper analyzes the reasons that resulted in silence phenomena in college English classroom teaching,and gives some feasible suggestions to break the classroom silence in English classroom teaching.
  【Key words】College English; classroom teaching; silence phenomena
  With the developments of politic, economic, military, and culture exchange, English language has become more and more important. Our country needs more and more talents good command of English. But the silence phenomena of students emerged in the college English classroom teaching, which affects the quality of teaching and the cultivation of talents. This paper analyzes the reasons that resulted in silence phenomena in English classroom teaching and puts forward feasible suggestions to break the classroom silence.
  1. Introduction
  According to the college English curriculum reform requirements, the English teachers should change the single “speech” teaching mode into a new cooperative teaching mode. This new teaching method needs the students’ active participation and interaction between teachers and students. The main form of the students’ participation activities in the English classroom teaching activities is to answer the teacher’s questions. But nowadays most teachers find it difficult to let the students to express their own ideas freely in English teaching class, most students usually keep silent. The English class are being too quiet and silent.
  2. The Reasons Why Silence Phenomenon Arises
  As an English educators, we should study why silence phenomenon arises? We find that different students have different opinions about the silence through the questionnaire survey and interview, and the same as the teachers. The main reasons as follow:
  2.1 For Students
  There are many reasons that made students keep silent in English classroom teaching, such as being afraid of making mistakes and not wanting to lose their face, some students usually choose to keep silent in classroom; the fact that college students have different English levels is ignored by educators; due to the pressure from CET4 or CET6 and future work, some students’ learning of English have a tendency to do more exercises rather than communicate with teachers; some students extremely afraid of learning English, their behaviors show that they have no interest in learning; some think that university is a paradise, where they don’t need to care about the score, they spend much time on the internet or other things except study; some students with “introverted” character are always shy to give their own ideas, and afraid to answer teachers’ questions; some students don’t want to speak because of lack of confidence, therefore, they’d rather choose keep silent.   2.2 For teachers
  Teachers’ questioning techniques is a factor resulted in classroom silence phenomena. Sometimes teachers’ questions were too difficult for student’s to answer, so they only keep silent; Sometimes the teachers’ questions are too simple and not worth to answering; Sometimes the teacher did not give students enough time to prepare questions, etc. When the teacher found the students keep silent and no one answer the question, the teacher would tell the answer directly, which make some students form a pattern thinking the teacher will tell the answer finally. It is unnecessary for them to answer the questions.
  3. The Suggestions to Break Students’ Silence
  As an English educators, we should make some research on how to avoid the appearance of silence phenomena in the college English classroom teaching?
  3.1 To Remember Every Student’s Name and Chatting or talking with students
  Since teachers are the provider of information, the organizers of the classroom, the mentor, controllers and assessors, teachers and students are indispensible parts in the class, and they should form a “teaching community” in order to cope with each other. There is a good way to establish a good relationship between teacher and students, which means that the teacher need to remember every students’ name. To remember every students’ name can shorten the distance between teacher and student. In this way, students will fell they get equal attention from teacher and the teacher’s interactive requirements will be more responsive to nature. Students and teachers can break silence by chatting and talking, and the teacher can communicate with students in the form of answering questions. After class the teacher can also use phone and QQ chat to communicate with students, to understand students’ needs, to shorten the distance between teachers and students of the psychological. The teachers should treat every student with patience, sincere and equality.
  3.2 To Encourage Students to Express Their Ideas Bravely and Freely
  The teacher should give much more encouragements to students, which would make students express their ideas bravely. When giving questions in class, teachers should give the students enough time to think about and discuss with their classmates, by creating a harmonious atmosphere to arouse the students’ imagination and desire. The teacher should have enough patience to listen to the opinions of the students.   3.3 To Create a Relaxed Learning Environment and Stimulate Students’ Interests
  It is important to create a friendly, relaxed and effective learning environment atmosphere for students to express their ideas bravely and freely. The student-centered class should have many activities, which can encourage students to solve their own problems on their own or in pairs or groups. If there is a trusting, positive and supportive connection between students and teacher, then there is a much more chance of effective interaction. In short, the good relationship between the students and the teacher can create a free environment for motivated learning. Teacher has to pay much attention on how to respond to students, especially when giving feedback and correction.
  Teachers should combine the English teaching content with the western countries’ politic, culture, local conditions and customs, which can cultivate the students’ cross-cultural consciousness, meet the curiosity of students in English learning and psychological desire. At the same time it can create an active classroom atmosphere, and stimulate the students’ interests in learning English. Having the interest, the students are willing to participate in classroom interaction, the class silence can be broken.
  3.4 To Adopt a Task-Based Language Teaching
  It is a good way for teacher to adopt a task-based language teaching. It can promote classroom interaction in English teaching. Task-based teaching changed the teacher-centered class into student-centered class. Task-based teaching can improve the effect of classroom interaction through group work and other activities. It can make students focus on the complete act of communication. If well organized, these activities can increase the amount of the students’ participation and reduce the students’ anxiety and then created a relaxed and supportive environment for students to learn.
  On the whole, interactive teaching principle should be used to improve teachers’ teaching and to promote students to actively participate in classroom teaching. Thus, the classroom silence can be broken in English teaching.
【摘要】高中牛津版英语教材第七课时为project课型,板块的构成是由样板文章一到两篇,之后以所给的文章作为信息载体,完成教学目标。但是很多老师总是简单地把这样的课上成reading阅读课,忽视了主体目标,当然也并未追求最终任务是否达成。本文旨在与列举第六模块第三单元的project,即为Making a reference book,来简单概述如何上好一节project课。  【关键词】proj
假如可以变身,你希望变成什么?   曾有学生满脸真诚地说:“我希望变成一株植物。”   变成一株植物,可以远离刷不完的题、考不完的试,可以躲避与同学的竞争、来自父母的压力,该开花就开花,还可以感受四季的美好。   其实这不是奢望,也不用变身,你完全可以尝试一种全新的生活方式——   关闭刀光剑影的游戏页面,暂时合上厚厚的复习笔记,从舒适的沙发上起身,推开窗或走下楼,拿起水壶或背上相机,植物
大家好,我们是浙江省奉化高级中学舞龙队第8届队员。根据负责的龙身部位不同,我们在队内的代号分别为“龙珠、龙头、龙2……龙9”,龙头是我们的队长,主要负责比赛、训练时的指挥工作。日常生活中,我们几乎同吃、同住,这不仅仅是为了方便训练,也可以让我们增强凝聚力,提高默契度,因为舞龙是一个非常考验团结和默契的集体项目。  胖胖虎:适合进入舞龙队的同学应具备哪些条件?  舞龙队:舞龙是一项需要高度配合的集体
十字路口红灯转绿,我正准备起程,却被一位老太太颤巍巍地拦下来问路:“师傅,问一下,某某学校招待所怎么走?”   我模模糊糊地还记得那个学校,早在20年前就被合并入一所大学,建筑当然还在,招待所应该也不会拆除——我掏出手机打开地图,但现在,这招待所叫什么名字呢?   我把老太太拉到路边,与她大声讨论——不能不大声,老太太耳背。交通信号灯再次转红,一群中学生停在我们身边,有一个同学主动对我们说:“
70年是一个人的古稀之年  70年却是一个泱泱大国的活力之年  1949年10月1日中华人民共和国成立  今年正值新中國成立70周年我们昂首迈向一个新时代  梁启超先生曾写道『故今日之责任不在他人而全在我少年』一代又一代的少年们陪伴着祖国共青春同成长见证了中国从站起来到富起来再到强起来的伟大飞跃  中学生天地杂志社为此特别举办了『可爱的祖国美丽的青春』书画大赛让少年们满腔的爱国之情浓浓的民族自豪感
【摘要】合作学习概念的引进对于中学英语教育发挥了突破的作用,不仅对于提高学生学习能力和兴趣有着很大作用,而且对于教学水平的提高也至关重要。本文就中学英语教学问题,在对英语教学合作学习的概念以及现状进行研究的基础上,结合理论背景和我国实践,提出英语教学合作学习的策略,并对英语合作学习进行反思和建议。  【关键词】英语教学 合作学习 实践 小组  一、中学英语教学中合作学习的背景  1.合作学习的概念
王方正的书包里常放着两本书,一本是余秋雨的《观众心理学》,上面划了很多重点,还有一本是毕飞宇的《推拿》。  王方正对于话剧的最初印象是:“我初一时,学长们演了课本里的一出剧,叫做《变脸》。那时我也不懂什么是话剧,只觉得故事特别好,很感人,看了就想哭。”  初二,一次偶然的机会,王方正创作了人生的第一部话剧《青花瓷》。“本来大家说要唱《青花瓷》,老师希望有别出心裁的想法,我就自己写了个剧。还在里面演
“他让我坚定做自己,并让我知道成为自己热爱的模样是一件很幸福的事情。”一个女生知道中天即将采访青年作家卢思浩,特意找到杂志社编辑,发来长长的一段话。在那段话的结尾,她说:“我经常临睡时在寝室床上的小桌板前翻阅他的文字,就像是有人在我身边轻轻地拍了拍我肩膀‘不用怕,我一直都在’。”  和这位女生一样的中学生读者不在少数,他们把QQ签名换成卢思浩作品中的句子,喜欢在阅读课分享他的文章。他们说,卢思浩的
【摘要】情境带入及课堂反馈二方面表达了自己的见解,希望能使学生们在轻松白由的课堂环境中,无拘无束、积极参与,大胆发言,从而找到学习的乐趣,改变原有的传统课堂模式,培养小学生的学习创造性和自信心。  【关键词】英语课堂 小学高年级 教学 创造性  英语,作为一门语言学科在教育过程中总结经验得出,应改变原有的“填鸭”、“死记硬背”的教学方式,尤其是对于处于基础起步阶段的小学生而言,应该使课堂教学“活”
【摘要】能从低年级就对学生进行扎实的语言训练,让学生具备基本的说话能力和良好的说话习惯,会对学生今后的工作和生活产生直接的影响。充分利用一切教学资源,并注重在语文教学各个环节中贯穿说话能力训练,不断摸索说话训练的教学。  【关键词】好奇 资源 游戏 以读促写 注重积累  近几年来,笔者一直从事低年级的语文教学。教学中,笔者发现:低年级的学生,特别是农村一年级的学生,他们说话的意思表达不清楚,口头表