【摘 要】
11月8日,国内专业的直复营销公司上海罗维互动(RoadWay)在西安第四届中国国际服务外包大会上签下重要战略协议,即投资100万美元成立罗维(西安)营销服务有限公司,重点开拓以呼叫中心外呼业务为主的外包服务,这是继完成上海、广州的战略布局后,跨地域扩张的又一重磅出击。 建成的罗维(西安)营销服务有限公司主要从事以呼叫中心外呼业务为主的外包服务,已建成100人规模的专业呼叫中心团队提供电话营销
It’s been a rollercoaster ride for many Chinese companies with listings on the US stock exchangesby Isabel Ding A recent trend among Chinese companies looking to raise capital and cultivate a more
I think Chongqing can be developed into a large city with international influence,” says Huang Qifan, who was appointed Mayor of Chongqing in January 2010. “I will set my feet deeply on this land like
In a leadership training workshop I conducted recently there was a middle level manager who seemed to be an especially influential and inspiring figure in the group. During the training, he shared a p
I know what you’re thinking – here’s another fashion trend set by a celebrity. Far from it. This is about what China’s wannabe celebrities are drinking. For millions of young Chinese, it is no longer
CAIJING China Launches Third Party Payment Licenses June 6 China’s central bank has given third party payment licenses to 27 companies, including China UnionPay (中国银联), Alipay (支付宝) and YeePay (易宝
11月8日,国家发改委和商务部公布最新的《外商投资产业指导目录(2007年修订)》,新《目录》将于12月1日起正式生效。同时,在2004年11月发布的《外商投资产业指导目录(2004年修订)》将废止。新《目录》立刻引起了市场的高度关注,因为其中可能隐藏了中国的最新政策变化。 与2004年的目录作对比,我们可以发现,新《目录》对外商投资的态度在诸多领域发生了引人注目的变化: 例如在矿产领域,政府
FOOD & BEVERAGE CR Snow Breweries Acquires Moni Brewery China Resources Snow Breweries (China) (华润雪花啤酒(中国)有限公司), a joint venture between Snow Brewery (雪花啤酒) and China Resources (Holdings) (华润(集团)有限
As Chinese social networking sites slowly open up to third party developers, some say it could signal a new trend in the Chinese Internet sector by SEBASTIAN COHEN Chinese Internet companies have
INTERNET A storm of Chinese Internet companies including Renren.com (人人网), NetQin, Phoenix New Media (凤凰新媒体) and Jiayuan.com (世纪佳缘) listed on the US stock markets this May, the highest volume of such