The growth traits (shell length, shell height, shell width, total weight and soft body weight) of 6 families of Emu owl (A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 and F1) were measured and analyzed twice and their amylase Activity and cellulase activity. The results showed that amylase activity was high in organs such as emu stomach, digestive blind capsule and the like, while the activity of cellulase was very low. The activity of digestive enzymes was related to the diet of microalgae. Compared with the increase of growth traits and the increase of digestive enzyme activity, the results showed that all the five growth traits of D1 in the pedigree achieved the maximum value, and there was a significant difference (P <0.05) with the A1, B1, C1, E1 and F1 families. The five growth traits of F1 were obtained the minimum, and the traits of F1 were significantly less than those of the family D1. With the increase of age, the amylase activity and cellulase activity of individuals of each family were increased. The two measurements showed the same tendency, D1> C1> E1> A1> B1> F1. It was found that the activity of digestive enzymes of Dioscorea zingiberei was related to the growth and development. The faster growth rate corresponded to stronger digestive and physiological functions. The higher digestive enzyme activity was conducive to the digestion and absorption of nutrients and the energy required for growth and development.