采用延迟探测刺激匹配再认任务,考察面孔种族和内外部特征是否会影响面孔视觉工作记忆容量。被试先识记2或4张中国人或白人的真实面孔图片,一半有内部特征(眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴),另一半有内部和外部特征(脸型、发型),再进行面孔再认判断。采用Cowan’s K值的分析显示,我国被试对本族和异族面孔的视觉工作记忆容量没有差异,但面孔数量与特征多少会影响面孔工作记忆容量,表明对本族和异族面孔的视觉加工不同。
Using delayed detection to stimulate matching to recognize the task, to investigate whether face race and internal or external features will affect the facial visual working memory capacity. The subjects first recorded 2 or 4 pictures of the real faces of Chinese or whites, half with internal features (eyes, nose and mouth), the other half with internal and external features (face and hair style), and face recognition. The analysis of Cowan’s K value shows that there is no difference in visual working memory capacity between Chinese and other ethnic groups. However, the number and characteristics of facial faces affect the working memory capacity of face, indicating different visual processing of the faces between native and alien faces.