目的探讨低分子肝素联合小剂量阿司匹林预防早发型重度子痫前期复发的效果。方法收集围产期既往有早发型重度子痫前期病史的10例孕妇,结合病史和实验室检查,从孕12~25周开始给予低分子肝素联合小剂量阿司匹林治疗,观察临床经过和母儿结局。结果 1例孕22周再次并发重度子痫前期,1例孕30周血压升高,蛋白尿,并发子痫前期和胎儿宫内生长受限而住院治疗;分娩方式及结局:1例引产,1例自然流产,其余8例中1例阴道分娩,7例剖宫产,其中3例早产;8例分娩孕周为(36.7±2.5)周,新生儿体重为(2906.0±876.7)g。产后随访1年,10例孕妇血压正常,蛋白尿阴性。结论低分子肝素联合小剂量阿司匹林能有效地预防早发型重度子痫前期的复发,不增加孕妇并发症发生风险。
Objective To investigate the effect of low molecular weight heparin combined with low-dose aspirin in preventing early-onset severe preeclampsia recurrence. Methods 10 pregnant women with perinatal history of premature severe preeclampsia were collected. Combined with history and laboratory tests, low molecular weight heparin plus low-dose aspirin was given from 12 to 25 weeks of gestation. Clinical and maternal and neonatal outcomes were observed . Results One case of 22 weeks pregnant with recurrent severe preeclampsia, one case of pregnancy 30 weeks increased blood pressure, proteinuria, preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction and hospitalization; delivery mode and outcome: 1 case of induced labor, 1 One case of spontaneous abortion, the remaining 8 cases of vaginal delivery, 7 cases of cesarean section, of which 3 cases of premature delivery; gestational age of 8 cases was (36.7 ± 2.5) weeks, the newborn weight was (2906.0 ± 876.7) g. Postpartum follow-up of 1 year, 10 pregnant women with normal blood pressure, proteinuria negative. Conclusion Low molecular weight heparin combined with low-dose aspirin can effectively prevent the recurrence of early-onset severe preeclampsia without increasing the risk of complications in pregnant women.