一、一门新学科的诞生和发展1850年法国植物学家 Chatin 发现甲状腺肿与食物中缺乏碘有关,并观察到碘有防治这种病的作用.这是世界上第一次明确提出微量元素与人体健康和疾病有关系.1896年,法国化学家 Cailletel 根据他的分离和化验结果,证明微量碘是甲状腺不可缺少的组成部分,为 Chatin 的发现提供了科学依据.于是,人们自然会想到,既然甲状腺组织含有微量的碘,在其他的组织中是否也含有别的微量元素?如果缺乏它们,对人体健康又将有什么影响或引起什么疾病?
First, the birth and development of a new discipline 1850 French botanist Chatin found that goiter and lack of iodine in food, and observed that iodine has the role of prevention and treatment of this disease.This is the world’s first clear proposed trace elements And human health and disease in 1896, the French chemist Cailletel based on his results of separation and testing to prove that trace iodine is an integral part of the thyroid gland for the discovery of Chatin provides a scientific basis, so people will naturally think of, Since the thyroid tissue contains a trace amount of iodine, does it contain other trace elements in other tissues? If it is lacking, will it affect human health or cause disease?