本文分析了玉米超高产的潜在因素 ,着重探讨了玉米育种的重点—玉米育种材料的选育创新以及玉米自交系选育问题。明确提出 :(1)在现有的玉米育种理论指导下 ,依靠现有的育种材料 ,在保持玉米经济系数和种植密度提高或不变的情况下 ,必须以提高玉米单株及其群体的生物产量为手段来提高玉米的经济产量 ;(2 )以增加玉米植株节间的长度而不是增加玉米植株的全株叶片数为主要手段 ,从而保证高秆大穗品种一定的早熟性 ;(3)注意培育根系发达和茎秆坚韧的杂交种为高秆大穗品种的抗倒性提供保证。
In this paper, the potential factors of super high yield of maize were analyzed. The emphases of maize breeding - the breeding of maize breeding materials and the breeding of maize inbred lines were emphatically discussed. Clearly put forward: (1) Under the guidance of the existing corn breeding theory, relying on existing breeding materials, while maintaining the economic coefficient of corn and planting density increased or unchanged circumstances, we must improve the corn plants and their groups of organisms (2) Increasing the internode length of maize plants instead of increasing the number of whole plant leaves of maize plants is the main measure to ensure the certain precocity of the maize varieties; (3) Attention should be paid to cultivate hybrids with developed root system and stalk toughness to provide the guarantee for lodging resistance of tall and big ears.