毛泽东技术思想是毛泽东思想的组成部分 ,在它的形成与发展中呈现出曲折性和若干历史特征。新中国成立后的七年中 ,在毛泽东技术思想指导下的中国工业化建设有得有失 ;而在“大跃进”和“文革”十年中 ,“左”的技术观起了主导作用。其基本特征可以概括为 :过分强调政治挂帅 ,过于迷信群众运动 ,在一定程度上存在着脱离中国实际的空想成分
Mao Zedong’s technical thinking is an integral part of Mao Zedong Thought, showing twists and turns and a number of historical features in its formation and development. In the seven years after the founding of New China, China’s industrialization under the guidance of Mao Zedong’s technical thought had its own gains and losses; while during the “Great Leap Forward” and “Cultural Revolution” ten years, the technological concept of “Left” played a leading role. Its basic characteristics can be summed up as follows: Overemphasis on politics, too superstitious mass movements, to some extent, there is the illusion of reality from China