今年是美国波普艺术教父安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)八十冥诞,欧美纷纷推出其作品展,来向这位继毕加索之后二十一世纪最有影响力的艺术家致敬。台湾是亚洲巡回的首站,展出121件沃霍尔的绢印、水彩、压克力创作以及杂志专辑的封面设计。
This year is the 80th anniversary of American War of the Pop art goddess Andy Warhol. Europe and the United States have launched their works to pay tribute to the most influential artist in the 21st century since Picasso. Taiwan is the first stop on the Asian tour to showcase Warhol’s silk screen, watercolor, acrylic creations and covers for magazine covers.